LovingKindness Meditation

As I mention in the video, this is one of my hands-down favorite meditation practices, always, however just like the question of "how are you", it seems especially relevant right now. 

Adopted from the traditional Buddhist suttas, it's said that LovingKindness practice was given to monks as a form of protection against some tree spirits that were bullying them as they tried to practice. 
Now, you may not be facing tree-spirit harassment at the moment, but I for one am all in for a little extra protection against the more mundane disturbances. 
Like anxiety. Loneliness. Numbness. Fear. 

LovingKindness practice is a method of turning up the dial on the heart-qualities that we all possess, just by virtue of being human. It has the potential to make us more instinctively kind. Impulsively generous. Patient. Forgiving. Open. 

But don’t just take my word for it.

Take it to the cushion, and then apply it as needed.
Try it when you hear ambulance sirens, blaring outside of your home.
Try it as you make eye contact with the cashier on your grocery run.
Try it as you fall asleep at night, or wake up in the morning.
May it be so.