This meditation originally aired June 20, 2020


It’s good to be back to host today's practice as we continue on with our theme of Acceptance.
Real quick — Have you ever had one of those moments where you responded in a way that made you think... "Oh there's my meditation practice!" ?

Perhaps you found yourself being more spontaneously gracious, generous or kind. Maybe you found yourself suspending self-doubt or judgement.
Perhaps a flash of insight or clarity... or feeling uncharacteristically grounded in a moment when ish hit the fan. 

In today's practice, I share an experience that happened last weekend -- and the proof-in-the-pudding result from spending so much time on the meditation cushion accepting what arises, dropping the narrative around it, and coming back to my direct experience. It was the kind of thing that my "thinking mind" could never accomplish.

Practice begins at the 5 minute mark. Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above.