This meditation originally aired May 21, 2020


I'm excited to be back with you today for the second half of our 2-parter, as we continue with our theme of the month:
Trust. Faith. Confidence. 
Today I take us back to the brass-tacks definition of what “mindfulness” even is, and touch on what I lovingly call “The Binary” — otherwise known as that pesky and sometimes brilliant habit we have as humans to splice our world into two dominant buckets:

Good / Bad. 
Yes / No. 
Things we like. 
And things we don't like. 
Now, I say it's sometimes brilliant, because this same impulse prevents us from walking out into oncoming traffic.
We can judge, without much consideration what is safe/not safe. 
However this habit of binary thinking can also pit us against our experience -- if say, our experience is less than preferable. It can also quickly undermine our unconditional confidence. 
Lucky for us that mindfulness meditation helps to soften our binary habit. 
Which is (one of the many reasons) why we practice.

Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above. 
Practice begins at the 4 minute 50 second mark.  
And away we go.