This meditation originally aired June 25, 2020


As we've been exploring this theme of Acceptance together, an important point that’s worth highlighting is that acceptance doesn't necessarily mean that we have to like the situation at hand.
We don't have to agree with it. And we certainly don't have to condone it.
We are, however, extending a willingness to meet our present moment situation as it is. Face value. No delusion or denial.
Just acceptance of what is. 

This can open up a sense of choice in how we want to proceed. And sometimes that sense of choice means saying NO.
Especially if we've accepted that the reality of the situation is... actually unacceptable.
Which is why today's practice hinges on one of my personal favorite topics: Boundaries.
Aka: choosing what we pick up, and choosing what we leave on the table.

Practice begins at the 5 minute 40 second mark. Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above.