This meditation originally aired May 24, 2020


I'm happy as a dog with a beef stick to be back with you for practice today, as we begin to wind things down in our theme of practice this month: Trust. Faith. Confidence. 
In today's practice, I wanted to draw our attention to the small leaps of faith that are so common to us, that they might even go unnoticed. 

The tiny acts of decency that we trust are worth doing, even if they go unnoticed... 
The ways that we contribute to an uncertain future, with the faith that our actions will reverberate long after we're gone...
Not all of our actions are contingent on us seeing immediate results, or even seeing the results at all. Sometimes trust means taking the long view. Having faith that our efforts matter— even if we won’t see the results until far into the future (if at all).

Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above. Practice begins at the 5 minute 5-second mark.  
May we continue to tumble into the future, as elegantly as we can, while trusting that our efforts are worth it. 

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