This meditation originally aired on May 25, 2020


I have a friend who once shared that at the end of the day, she and her partner will ask one another:
"Who are you today"?
I always thought that was such a lovely inquiry. It recognizes that each day we're somewhat different in our moods, composition, and concerns. It allows space to meet one another fresh. There are no assumptions being made here, no taking for granted. 

Which leads us to our practice today.

Namely : Trust that develops through familiarity.
Which, as I share, is also one of my favorite translations for meditation itself : to familiarize

I'm pretty chatty today, so if you want to skip my prologue, practice begins at the 6 minute, 20-second mark.
Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video, above.  

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