This meditation originally aired May 27, 2020


So, my friend, here we are. It’s our final mediation practice together in this particular theme:
Trust. Faith. Confidence. Thank you for inviting me into your space for a whole month of meditation practice together. I hope it’s been of benefit.

When I was a kid I found my refuge in books and chocolate. Whole summers were spent on the porch reading with a Snickers melting in my mouth. As a young adult my refuge was found in sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
New York City in the early Aughts. 
You know, typical. 

But once the book is done...
And the candy is eaten...
The party is over... 
Welp. There we are again. 

Which leads us to today's practice together. 
Namely : the recognition that whatever “the thing” is that we trust to shelter us isn't always sustainable... and that we never ever do anything without the help of others. Even if that help is invisible. 

If you like it a little traditional with a helping of gratitude on top, then today is your day, friend.
Practice begins at the 5 minute 40-second mark.
Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above.

May you feel supported
by the web of interdependence 
that quietly carries us all.

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