This meditation originally aired June 2, 2020


For the coming days, we're working with the theme of Acceptance.
And I'm delighted to be back with you, as we begin to unfold this theme together.
Now I don't know about you, but my heart has been so swollen and tender over the past few weeks. Between the incomprehensible death toll of Covid-19 here in the States, and the commonplace horror of brutality against black and brown bodies that has led to protesting across the nation...
The sorrow, fear, and rage is palpable.

The thing about such strong emotions is that they don't appear out of nowhere. And they demand to be witnessed, understood, and reckoned with -- or, they're likely to get lodged in the body...eventually finding an exit route in often destructive ways. 
I'm talking here about your sweet and vulnerable human body. 
AND the body politic
What is society if not a collective body of WE? 

Which is why in today's practice, we're holding space for another emotional temperature check. To make room for whatever we're feeling today-- sorrow, rage, joy, exhaustion, inspiration, boredom, all of the above, none of the above -- with some measure of non-judgemental acceptance. 
And as I mention in our practice :
I can't think of anything more self-loving than that. 

Practice begins at the 5 minute, 30-second mark. Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above. 
May we meet the present moment with unflinching dignity, courage, and love.