This meditation originally aired June 5, 2020


The practice of meditation has historically been talked about as a practice of training or taming the mind. And in fact, there are many allusions to the mind as being something of a wild animal.

Perhaps you've heard the phrase "monkey mind" to describe the incessant chatter that occurs when our "untrained minds" are left to their own devices.
There are parables that describe the mind as a wild horse running off with it's rider. The mind as a wild boar, charging through the forest, without ever noticing the trees.

I might just be speaking for myself, but all of these wild animal analogies sure make sense to me. My mind can feel particularly wild in moments of upheaval, grief, calamity, outrage. 
Which -- incidentally -- is when it's also particularly helpful for our minds to be clear, focused, alert and present. 

Which is why in todays practice, we work with an adage that's right in line with this idea -- the mind as a raging bull that might just need a lot of space to just run and spin and do it's thing.
Which -- we do today. 
Practice begins at the 2-minute 20-second mark. Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video below. 
May we meet this moment clear and ready.