This meditation originally aired May 9th, 2020

I'm back with you today, for a bit of a "Part 2" to our previous practice, as we continue to explore the theme of our month together:
Trust. Faith. Confidence. 
As I mentioned yesterday, our exploration of "trust" this month led me right down the rabbit hole to a talk that author and researcher Brené Brown gave on the "anatomy of trust" -- a talk that is worth a listen in entirety.  

One of the elements that Ms. Brown has pinpointed in the development of trust is generosity -- which we explore in practice today. 
Particularly, extending the most generous possible assumptions about ourselves that we can muster up.  

* Aka: giving ourselves the benefit of the doubt. 

Just grab a comfortable seat, a pen and paper to capture any insights after practice, and then click the video, above. Practice begins at the 2 minute 55-second mark.
May we find the kindest interpretation possible, as frequently as we can.