This meditation originally aired June 13, 2020


I recently received some feedback from a community member here at THE DAILY that it was really useful to have a more spacious, simple practice thrown into the mix the other day.
I get that. 

As I mention in our practice today, many of us are in the early stages of venturing out after being in quarantine and maybe still feeling a bit cramped as we work from home... it's also a really heightened moment in time, here in the States at least, that feels ripe with potential and change.
A little extra space and simplicity might be feeling really nice right now.
So that's the direction that our practice takes today.
Space, and dropping into the heart center.
(You'll see what I mean.) 

Practice begins at the 2 minute, 15-second mark. Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above. 