This meditation originally aired May 14th, 2020


It’s wonderful to be back with you today as we continue with our theme of the month:
Trust. Faith. Confidence. 
Before we get into today's practice, I wanted to take a moment to formally declare my love for words.
There are a few tasty little gems I keep in my back pocket for their ability to describe so perfectly what there is no direct translation for.  

There's "Tartle" in Scottish, which describes the act of hesitating while introducing someone because you've forgotten their name.
And "Won" in Korean, which is the feeling of reluctance we have when letting go of an illusion.
Or "Wabi-Sabi" in Japanese, which describes the natural beauty of imperfect things.

In today's practice, we look directly at the "Faith" aspect in this triad of trust, faith, confidence. In particular, the Pali word for faith -- saddhā -- and what it's sweet and surprising translation has to offer us. 
Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above. Practice begins at the 4 minute, 30 second mark.