This meditation originally aired June 14, 2020


Have you ever had a moment in time when it's been difficult to offer yourself kindness, grace, the benefit of the doubt?
Me too.
Maybe for you it's always difficult offer yourself benevolence. Maybe it's situational - because of something that you did or said that you regret, or feel embarrassed by.

I have a lot to say about this - so anticipate that this topic will come back around in the near future.
But for today's practice I touch on one ingredient that I've always found to be helpful in doing the sometimes heavy-lifting of looking ourselves square in the face although we may not like what we see.
That's right : self-acceptance.
Aka: the possibility of accepting that we are whole, sufficient, worthy and loveable, just the way that we are. AND! that we can be obnoxious jerks with nasty qualities, questionable behavior, and blindspots.
One doesn't negate the other.
Welcome to being human, you lovely imperfect paradox.

Practice begins at the 4 minute, 20-second mark. Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video above.