This meditation originally aired May 17th, 2020


I'm excited to be back with you on the cushion today as we continue to unfold our theme for meditation practice this month:
Trust. Faith. Confidence. 

In today's practice I share a few thoughts on:
• One of the most frequent questions that I get asked by folks after a meditation class...
• Why meditation can be a wellspring for insights, memories, and realizations to arise...
• And a story about the beat poet Alan Ginsburg's meditation experience that has become both mythology and an instruction for practice.

And of course, what all of this has to do with learning to relax our urge to manage and control, and simply TRUST ourselves enough to rest in our present moment experience.  
Just find a comfortable seat, and perhaps a pen + paper to capture your own insights after meditation, and then click the video below. 
Practice begins at the 4 minute, 30 second mark.