This meditation originally aired May 3, 2020


Back in 1895, the English author H.G. Wells wrote in his classic novel The Time Machine :

Looking at these stars suddenly dwarfed my own troubles and all the gravities of terrestrial life. I thought of their unfathomable distance, and the slow inevitable drift of their movements out of the unknown past into the unknown future.

Isn't it wild to consider that -- 125 years later -- we ARE the unknown future that Wells was writing about...and that we also have access to the exact same constellations of stars?
As will the recipients of our own unknown and out-lived future.  

In today's practice we touch on another type of "slow inevitable drift" through the past and future -- another kind of Time Machine, so to speak. Namely: Our thinking mind.
We also consider what it might mean to TRUST that the present will hold us -- and how that realization, however brief it may be, could open up the potential for a little more relaxation, and a little less white-knuckling through our daily experience. 

Just grab a comfortable seat, a pen and paper to capture any insights after practice, and then click the video, above. Practice begins at the 4 minute mark.
Ever onward into that unknowable future.