This meditation originally aired May 2, 2020


Hello you wonderful human, 
It’s great to be back on the cushion with you today as we begin to crack open this theme of the month: Trust in it's many manifestations.

For today's practice, I share: 
1) A conversation that I had with my mother-in-law over lunch. She's a gemstone.
2) The impulse that we all might have to "take the exit" from time to time
3) And why meditation practice is a way of implicitly communicating to ourselves-- from ourselves-- that we are as trustworthy as our very best friends. 

Just grab a comfortable seat, a pen and paper to capture any insights after practice, and then click the video, above. Practice begins at the 4 minute 45 second mark. 
I see you over there. Showing up for yourself.
(It's a beautiful thing.)